Thinking back to when word started to spread that I was having another baby people started to tell me how things would be changing. All the comments on how 2 kids is so much harder than 1, yada, yada, yada. What they forgot to tell me was the real issue is time. The 2ND child (so far) isn't much harder. True that I have less time to spend one on one with Carson, but as far as what goes on with Gabe it is easier. I know different cries, and can usually figure things out a little faster. The hard part is not feeling like I am failing at being a child of God, a wife, a housekeeper, and a friend to family and friends. That is really where my struggles are taking place. Day to day I find myself barely being able to maintain Carson, Gabe and the laundry. That is all I do. Maintain and laundry. I know moms of multiple kids will relate, and maybe even more so with the ones who have more than 2! I think and HOPE that things will change as Gabe gets a little older and I can get used to trying to juggle my time.
I am sorry if this sounds like I am complaining about everything, but this is just what I am experiencing right now. I know moms of more than 2 kids have it even harder than I do, I can imagine. I just wanted to share what I am going through right now and maybe prepare moms of 1, that will be having another soon, or none that will be having multiple kids in the future, things do change. A lot of the change is letting go. Letting go of a clean house (if you want sleep to function), regular outings, and time to do things for yourself (emailing, reading, entertainment). There is a lot of pressure that moms put on themselves, I know I do it too. I like things done a certain way and right now they aren't being done and I just have to let that go. Thanks to my mom, and other moms I know I am not the only one going through this. My mom has been a huge help with getting veggies planted, trips to the store, bringing us dinner and helping with Carson. Carson loves is "Gwamma" and Mimi time.
So. That is about all I have to say right now. I have spent too much time on the computer and need to try to get to other things. However, I think Gabe has a different idea planned for me right now. :) I am so thankful for Trever, Carson and Gabe. They bring much joy to my life and I am blessed to be a part of theirs.
Oh, and Carson has enjoyed a lot of Papa time this weekend. Yesterday morning they did lots of errands and today they went to "sunay cool." Carson loves Sunday School! :)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
what we have been doing...
Gabe, 3 wks. young.
Flowers from Trever.
Bath time for the boys!
Here are some more 1 month young picture of baby Gabe.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Good Eater
This afternoon I took Gabe (Gramma was home with Carson) to the hospital for the New Mom's Group they have every week. You can meet other moms, and have baby weighed and measured. 2 weeks ago, Gabe weighed in at 9.2 lbs and measured 21 inches long. Today he weighed in at 10.8 8 lbs. and 22 1/2 inches. At this age with Carson, he weighed 10.2 lbs. and was 21 inches long. Carson had plenty of rolls and cute baby fat, and I am THINKING that Gabe will too. He is already growing into 3-6 month things cause he is so long. The 0-3 or 3 month things are a little on the short size. Hard to believe we have had to move up to the next size already.
We have been getting out for walks these last couple of days. This warm weather is so nice!

Last night we went to Lithia Park and had a pizza picnic. Our 1st family of 4 picnic. Carson ran and ran and ran some more. We had yummy tasting food and some picture time. To be posted later on at some point.

These couple of pictures are Carson's doing. He would set the camera to the timer (pushing the button) and then get in front of it for the picture. Here are a couple he took...

Waving to the motorcycles.
This morning we planted lettuce and green onions. Getting close to being done with our veggie planting (yesterday I planted an artichoke plant - looking forward to seeing how everything turns out). After that Carson and I tried to go on a bike ride, but the trailer had a flat tire. I pumped it up and about 10 minutes into the ride it was flat again. Pumped it up again and came home. Needless to say, we did not make it to our destination, which is fine. We have all spring and summer to ride around lots.
We have been getting out for walks these last couple of days. This warm weather is so nice!
Last night we went to Lithia Park and had a pizza picnic. Our 1st family of 4 picnic. Carson ran and ran and ran some more. We had yummy tasting food and some picture time. To be posted later on at some point.
This morning we planted lettuce and green onions. Getting close to being done with our veggie planting (yesterday I planted an artichoke plant - looking forward to seeing how everything turns out). After that Carson and I tried to go on a bike ride, but the trailer had a flat tire. I pumped it up and about 10 minutes into the ride it was flat again. Pumped it up again and came home. Needless to say, we did not make it to our destination, which is fine. We have all spring and summer to ride around lots.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Easter Sunday
Coloring Eggs with Papa and Carson.

Thank you Heidi for the great outfit for baby Gabe! So cute!

Carson eating nuts out of his egg.
Mama and her boys.
Cuz Gemma helping Carson down the stairs.
Carson getting the egg Cole hid for him. Thanks Coley! Notice the cool (Carson says coo-oh) shades.
The Easter hunt crew @ Helman School.
Egg Hunt at Mimi and Grandpa's done by Uncle Cam and Kasia. Thanks guys for the eggs!
We had a very busy day. It started off at our house with a little Easter egg hunt. We went to church. Got there late...with the addition we gotta work on our time management a little more. After church we came home for lunch, then went to Helman school for the hunt Cole did for Carson. We came home and Carson took a nap for about an hour. After he woke up, we had major upset issues we had to deal with. We finally got Carson calmed down and cleaned up to get to Mimi and Grandpa's house. On the way Gabe started to scream in the car. Carson really doesn't like him crying - however, he is dealing with it 100% better this last week than before. Then we had another egg hunt there with a big turkey and ham dinner! It was great fun and yummy food!
So, this first Easter of Carson participating was definitely a fun packed day. Thanks everyone for all the great Easter celebrations!

Thank you Heidi for the great outfit for baby Gabe! So cute!

We had a very busy day. It started off at our house with a little Easter egg hunt. We went to church. Got there late...with the addition we gotta work on our time management a little more. After church we came home for lunch, then went to Helman school for the hunt Cole did for Carson. We came home and Carson took a nap for about an hour. After he woke up, we had major upset issues we had to deal with. We finally got Carson calmed down and cleaned up to get to Mimi and Grandpa's house. On the way Gabe started to scream in the car. Carson really doesn't like him crying - however, he is dealing with it 100% better this last week than before. Then we had another egg hunt there with a big turkey and ham dinner! It was great fun and yummy food!
So, this first Easter of Carson participating was definitely a fun packed day. Thanks everyone for all the great Easter celebrations!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Yesterday morning when Trev opened up Carson's door he had his sleeper half off. Trever asked him what was going on and he said, "I'm hot." He also had put his slippers over his sleeper. He can do slippers and shoes all by himself now. Not always on the right feet, but we are getting closer to a more independent little boy.
Before we ran off to the doctor's office yesterday I was getting lunch ready and we were having a snack...I asked Carson to do something and he was a little naughty and said, "no!" I gave him the mama look and was going to tell him not to do that, yada yada yada, and he said, "just relax!" and then ran off to his room. When they say stuff like that it makes it that much harder to be serious and talk about what he needs to do.
Kids say the funniest things. They keep it pretty simple don't they?
Before we ran off to the doctor's office yesterday I was getting lunch ready and we were having a snack...I asked Carson to do something and he was a little naughty and said, "no!" I gave him the mama look and was going to tell him not to do that, yada yada yada, and he said, "just relax!" and then ran off to his room. When they say stuff like that it makes it that much harder to be serious and talk about what he needs to do.
Kids say the funniest things. They keep it pretty simple don't they?
Thursday, April 9, 2009
My boys
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
The first time
We went on our first family walk today. To the post office, with a stop by Trev's office. It was very nice to get out. My lower stomach muscles are pretty achy. I am happy to have done it, I look forward to many more spring walks.
Tonight Trev put Carson down (as the time happens to be that Gabe wants to eat during Carson's bed time). Usually when they are done Carson asks for me. So, tonight I went in there and he was talking in these full sentences while we were praying. I was looking at his big blue eyes and long eye lashes and stroking his blond hair and wondering when he grew up and got to be such a big boy. I gave him a kiss good night and left. I went into the living room and told Trev I miss Carson. He asked me something (don't even know what) and I couldn't talk, I got all choked up and started to cry. I feel like I haven't seen him much in this last week and a half. I know I have, we have been home together every day, but it is just different. I knew it would be, and I know it will be different again once Gabe is on a more regular program. My heart was sad for a bit to think about how I am not able to do all the things I was doing with him. Getting him dressed in the mornings, picking him up and giving him standing hugs. My little love bug is so big! Didn't realize how heavy he was too until holding the 7.11 pound Gabe. Carson is my little trooper and doing a great job with Gabe. We are so blessed to have 2 wonderfully sweet boys, as Trever reminded me.
Carson loves to give Gabe kisses, lay next to him on the couch, and sing to him. He doesn't like to hear Gabe cry. I think it stresses Carson out. He usually makes some type of noise. I am reminding him that is how he talks to mama and papa. He can't say things so he has to cry to tell me when he is hungry.
Tonight Trev put Carson down (as the time happens to be that Gabe wants to eat during Carson's bed time). Usually when they are done Carson asks for me. So, tonight I went in there and he was talking in these full sentences while we were praying. I was looking at his big blue eyes and long eye lashes and stroking his blond hair and wondering when he grew up and got to be such a big boy. I gave him a kiss good night and left. I went into the living room and told Trev I miss Carson. He asked me something (don't even know what) and I couldn't talk, I got all choked up and started to cry. I feel like I haven't seen him much in this last week and a half. I know I have, we have been home together every day, but it is just different. I knew it would be, and I know it will be different again once Gabe is on a more regular program. My heart was sad for a bit to think about how I am not able to do all the things I was doing with him. Getting him dressed in the mornings, picking him up and giving him standing hugs. My little love bug is so big! Didn't realize how heavy he was too until holding the 7.11 pound Gabe. Carson is my little trooper and doing a great job with Gabe. We are so blessed to have 2 wonderfully sweet boys, as Trever reminded me.
Carson loves to give Gabe kisses, lay next to him on the couch, and sing to him. He doesn't like to hear Gabe cry. I think it stresses Carson out. He usually makes some type of noise. I am reminding him that is how he talks to mama and papa. He can't say things so he has to cry to tell me when he is hungry.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
This time around
I remember within a night or two of being home with Carson and feeding him in the night and looking at his crib thinking, "what on earth did I get myself into?"
This time around is a little different. One of the times I was up last night I was thinking about what a blessing this is. To have another precious gift from God. So tiny, so helpless, so cute and such a trooper (he had an "ouie" appt. yesterday at the doctors). With Carson I was always looking ahead. Waiting for him to sleep through the night, sit up, get teeth, crawl...I felt like I never really lived in the now, which makes me sad. However, now I know to NOT do that with baby Gabe. As much as I LOVE sleep, I need to thankful and enjoy this part of Gabe's life. As we all know, our kids grow too fast to always be looking ahead at the future. I am really loving taking day by day with my 2 boys.
Here are a couple pics of Gabe after his first bath @ home on 3.30.09

This is Carson's first bath @ home.
And here is Gabe.
This time around is a little different. One of the times I was up last night I was thinking about what a blessing this is. To have another precious gift from God. So tiny, so helpless, so cute and such a trooper (he had an "ouie" appt. yesterday at the doctors). With Carson I was always looking ahead. Waiting for him to sleep through the night, sit up, get teeth, crawl...I felt like I never really lived in the now, which makes me sad. However, now I know to NOT do that with baby Gabe. As much as I LOVE sleep, I need to thankful and enjoy this part of Gabe's life. As we all know, our kids grow too fast to always be looking ahead at the future. I am really loving taking day by day with my 2 boys.
Here are a couple pics of Gabe after his first bath @ home on 3.30.09

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