Saturday, August 31, 2013


The timing of the whole house sitting, getting hired permanently, could not have happened at more of a perfect time!  God really really worked it out perfectly! 

Trev looking over his employee handbook!  :0)

My mom took Carson and Gabe yesterday to the coast for a night.  Trev, Finn and I ran errands last night and went to lunch at our favorite place in Ashland.  During lunch I was told that "it sure is nice to be married to you."  Which of course, is a great thing to hear!  I am amazed that 11 years has gone by.  And boy (well 3 really :)), have things changed!!!

Celebrating 11 YEARS with Finn! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that you and Trevor are looking at the camera but Finn has his eyes rolled up looking at you. Beautiful!!!!