Illustrated by Linda Clearwater
What is Christmas? Do you know?
Gifts and food and lots of snow?
Twinkling lights and Christmas tree?
Angels, stars, and family?
Yes, all of that and even more!
So, what is Christmas really for?
The lights that glitter on the tree
Tell us Jesus came to be...
A light for us and so we say,
"This Christmastime and every day
Light our path, dear Lord, we pray."
Angles sparkling in the light
Remind us angles sang that night...
"Good news! God's Son is born today!
Jesus is born! HOORAY! HOORAY!
Sing for joy on Christmas Day!"
The tree that's green when others die
Tell us Jesus came and why...
To give us life, and so we say,
"This Christmastime and every day
Live in us, dear Lord, we pray."
Twinkling atop our tree, the star
Tells us wise men traveled far...
To find the king, and so we say,
"This Christmastime and every day
Be our king, dear Lord, we pray."
The gifts that sit beneath our tree
Tell us God loves you and me...
For Christmas Day is when we sing,
"We welcome you, our newborn king!
Born in a lowly cattle stall,
You're the greatest gift of all!"
This Christmastime and every day,
Thank you, God, for Christmas Day!
"For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son." John 3:16
May you and your family experience the true gift this Christmas Season, Jesus!
We love you and have a very Merry Christmas!
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