Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ethiopia and Laughing

Today I got a call from my sister's mom and they (my sister, her mom, and her step-dad) are going to Ethiopia for 2 weeks next month! They are going to visit a couple people that are their church.

Last night at AWANA they had to dress like their favorite Bible character. I now have the schedule (thanks to Ken), however, I need to make sure I know what the date is!!! Trever and Carson leave our house about 6:30 and at 6pm, I looked at the schedule and realized last night was Bible night - not next week!? UGH! So, I had about 30 minutes to come up with something. I grabbed Carson's Bible and on the front is a picture of different people from the Bible. Most of the men are dressed with tunic type tops/dresses and a belt. So, there ya have it! Our costume. He was not into it though, but we got it on him and basically got him out the door immediately.

For some reason, he was totally "striking a pose!"

So at AWANA last night, they celebrated Ebony's (Carson's teachers daughter and class helper) 14th birthday! They got little party noise (without the noise) makers. He was playing with that this morning and get a lot of attention.

Check out the videos below! They crack me up! Carson does this deep talking voice. Don't know where he got that from. And Gabe gets after it.

Video #1, Noise Maker and Gabe. Video #2, Noise Maker and Gabe again.

1 comment:

Kerensa Ritchie said...

So cute! I love it! Especially hearing him say Ebony's party!